First Presbyterian Church of Kalispell
Called by Christ to joyfully serve and expand the Kingdom of God.

Thanksgiving Potluck
Join us for a special worship service in the sanctuary as we offer our thanks to God for the good gifts of creation and the ministry of His church.
Following worship we will gather on the Lower Level for a meal which features turkey with potatoes and gravy. If able, please bring your favorite Thanksgiving side dish to share.
The worship is held each Sunday morning at 10:00 am. The worship sermon is broadcasted Sunday mornings at 10:00 am on KGEZ (600 AM or 96.5 FM). It is also available on our website every Tuesday.
Presbyterian Women (PW)
Meets the first Thursday of each month September through May
PW Luncheon is at 12:00 pm followed by a program.
PW Circles meet the 3rd Thursday of each month September through May
Ruth Circle @ 10:00 am
Naomi Circle @ 1:00 pm
Martha Circle @ 1:00 pm
All women are invited and encouraged to attend monthly luncheons and Circles
Men's Group
All men are invited and encouraged are to join the monthly gatherings for breakfast and fellowship. We meet the second Saturday of each month from 9:00 am—10:30 am at Two Brothers Cafe.
Summer Fiction Read
During the summer, the Wednesday book study will be reading Search by Dana Louise Parker. We will come together to discuss the book when we meet again on Wednesday, September 28 at noon.
Women Who Read
All women are invited to join the reading group the second Friday of each month at FPC 11:00 pm. A new book is read and discussed each month. You will find the book of the month within the monthly newsletter